This year there has been nothing afresh about me. My body has refused to co-operate with my plans. Running is definitely STILL out, as neither of my feet seem to want me to put any pressure on them, and that flu has kept me away from exercise for the last 2 weeks.
But I'm finally feeling better! Woo-hoo! So I'm going to write January off and forget about it, and start my New Year tomorrow. I'm going to get up in the morning, weigh myself, take Robbie to school, cycle Emma to playgroup, and go for a bike ride. I can't bloody wait. I'm actually looking forward to feeling tired and achey afterwards, and moaning about 'DOMS' the next day.
Then for the next few weeks, I'm going to do more cycling when I have free time, and on Wednesday, I've got an appointment with a local gym. I'm getting an induction! - sounds painful. But hopefully that will give me another option when the weather is bad, and as a complement to the cycling.
I was going to set myself a target for a certain number of miles to cycle during February, but I looked at my diary and realised that we have half term right in the middle, which involves 10 consecutive school-free days and a visit from the in-laws. Exactly the kind of thing that could interfere with planned workouts. So I'm just going to aim to either cycle or go to the gym 3-4 times a week, depending on availibilty.
If that sounds a bit wishy-washy, it's the best I can do for the moment. I need to lose the last few Christmas pounds, and remember what it's like to feel fit and toned again, as I did way back at the start of December. Once I've managed to establish some sort of routine, I might have some clearer goals for March!
Memories of December