Monday, 14 May 2012

Recovery week

Last week started with a boom when I raced the 10K on Monday. Did I mention that I got a PB? Of over 3 minutes? With a time of 51m17s? Well I mentioned it again!

After that exertion, my legs were really achey on Tuesday (and the next few days), so I decided to go for a cycle rather than a run. I did my usual route around a lot of farms and then on a cycle path, and I went quite gently as my legs were so tired. It was really nice, but unfortunately I forgot that I hadn't had lunch! As a person who is quite obsessed with food, this is very unlike me, but Emma and I had been out in the morning, and when we met a friend for coffee, I just had a snack while Emma had a sandwich. After I dropped her at nursery, I went straight out on the bike without eating anything else.

So after about an hour's cycling, I started to feel a bit weak and shaky. It was a relief to get home and have a sandwich and a big medicinal bar of chocolate...

On Wednesday I did my (now traditional) early morning run. The Garmin was playing up and couldn't seem to find any satellites, so I set off with it still on the 'Loading' page. I didn't know my pace for the first mile, which was quite nice as my legs were still stiff, and I just had a relaxed 3 miles without caring about speed. A good job too as I was pretty damn slow, at 9.03 min/mile pace.

Thursday was a rest day, but I did a few weights and some stretches to try and get my legs back to normal. All week I had been feeling hints of heel pain, so I wanted to do some of the old foot exercises to try and keep it in check.

With this in mind I opted for another bike ride on Friday. I found a new route, which basically meant going in one direction to a nearby town, turning round and coming back. I was super fast on the way there, and pleased with my speed, although I knew I'd had some downhill help. But on the way back I realised I'd also been assisted by the wind, which now hit me like a wall on the way home.

It was the first sunny Saturday we've had for a while, so I decided to do the local Parkrun race, but without actually racing. It was a lovely morning, and Pete kept an eye on the kids as they played on the swings while I jogged round. A guy I know often paces for different times, and luckily he was pacing 30 mins on Saturday. We ran together, chatting all the way round the 5k, and it was great to do this course without feeling like I wanted to die at about 2 miles, which I usually do.

I couldn't help but sprint the last bit, and swerved off course to high five Robbie and Emma, but I felt a bit mean as I overtook a couple of runners. I wasn't trying to show off, I just felt as though my legs needed a bit of speed at the end there. My time was 29 minutes something, which felt a lot more comfortable than 24 something!

Afterwards I ran home, which made 6.8 miles in total. So my total running mileage for the week was 16.45 miles, and I cycled 25.5 miles. I only ran 3 times, so hopefully my body has had a chance to recover a bit.

Away from all that, it was a great week for Robbie, as he got a couple of certificates from school for good behaviour, and his first badge at Boys Brigade (an organisation a bit like scouts). He was really pleased with his achievements, and we were very proud, especially of his school behaviour. He also made me this lovely picture, which apparently showcases 3 of my favourite activities - running, reading and eating biscuits!


  1. Good recovery week and it seems you are doing well. That was such a great PB. Love the pictures of your activities!

  2. I love that you're riding a lot to recover. Works like a charm! Congrats again on the epic PR!

  3. Sometimes I am shocked when I turn around and I'm riding against the wind as I didn't feel it helping me the other way! I get much hungrier on the bike than running. Congrats to your son!

  4. Running, reading and eating biscuits - don't you just love kids!! I haven't heard anyone mention Boy's Brigade in years. I used to go to Girl's Brigade many, many years ago. It was so much fun. I hope Robbie enjoys it as much as I used to. Congratulations to him on a big week of achievements.
