Friday, 18 May 2012

What have I done?!

Oops, I've accidently gone and entered another marathon! For most of the last 2 years I never thought I'd do that again... At least I have plenty of time to train for this one - about 47 weeks in fact! It's 14th April 2013! Perhaps that will help me prevent injury.

Any tips for a long-long-term training plan?!


  1. Oh how fun!!! Definitely a lot of time to build up some great base mileage, that will really help keep the injuries at bay. Looking forward to hearing all about your training over the next.....47 weeks. :)

  2. Good for you! I'm not the one to ask bout a long-long-term plan :)

  3. Oops. Did your finger slip on the Enter button and then you accidentally entered your credit card details? That happens to me all the time.

    1. Funnily enough that's exactly how it happened!

  4. LOL!!! Congratulations (I think)! Well, you certainly do have plenty of time to work up to it - keeping my fingers crossed that you stay fit for it!

  5. Well, good for you, you crazy gal. Not me!!! I'm sticking with 10ks and halfs or is that halves ~ ha ha :))
    Good luck!

    My Running Shortz
