Monday, 28 March 2011

Weekly recap

The sun has really come out this week, and temperatures have been way above average. I'm so glad that I have been able to run when the weather has been good - I miss running most on sunny blue-sky days.

I have had a bit of juggling to do this week, mainly due to Pete being very busy with work. I had a good cycle on Monday morning, then on Tuesday I planned to run. I was particularly looking forward to it, as I had now run 6 times since starting again, and my goal had always been to build up to 5k without pain. Last week I did a 2.7 mile run, so this was to be my first 3.1 mile (5k) distance. Then Pete came home on Monday, and told me he had to go in to work early Tuesday morning.

Harrumph. That was the end of that plan. I could have got up at 5.30am to fit an early run in, but I knew I would feel too tired for the rest of the day, and week. As I work on Tuesdays, there was no other time for me to fit it in, and Pete was late home that evening too.

So I left it until Wednesday morning. I did it! I have a 5k loop from my house which I used to do a lot, and it was great to be able to run it again. I was a little concerned though, as I had a bit of discomfort in my ankle before and after the run, but not during. The heel itself has been ok, but it was the ankle pain that made me limp when I first got PF in September, so I know it's from the same cause.

Anyway, in a fit of madness, I also went for a 6-mile cycle on Wednesday, as I wanted to make up for doing nothing on Tuesday. This left my legs pretty tired. On Thursday Pete was off to London overnight for work, so I couldn't get out on Friday morning either. But I did have my Pilates class at least.

Then on Saturday, I did another 5k! Same route, but 35 seconds faster. Every time I go for a run I sternly remind myself that speed is irrelevant, and I just need to concentrate on increasing the distance steadily and sensibly. Then I start running, looking at my Garmin, and thinking 'I reckon I can run faster than last would be terrible if I got slower...' etc. I just can't help myself. Anyway, I'm averaging about 9.05 min/miles, so I can't complain too much, and I haven't really had any ankle pain since then, so yay!

On Sunday I thought I'd have a go at cycling a loop. I usually do some sort of out and back ride, but for a change, I picked a 4-mile loop and did it twice. It was odd going past the same places twice and getting deja vu. When I went past my house I had a strong urge to cycle straight down the path and put the bike away in the shed. I definitely prefer to choose a longer route and do it once. So this week in total I've done this:

  • Cycled x3 (20 miles)
  • Run x2 (6.2 miles)
  • Pilates x1

Considering time constraints then, not a bad week workout wise. I have cleverly balanced it up though by eating a load of total crap, so I'm sure I've cancelled out any weight loss benefit. Ho hum - must do better next week etc.

Sunny Days in Scotland!


  1. So great that you're getting some running miles in again! Let's hope the sun stays :)

  2. It sounds like things are nicely moving forward. Yeah.

  3. Yay for sun and getting some running in!
    That's exactly why I never do loops that bring me past me house - I think the temptation to go inside and never come back out again would be too great for me!

  4. You've done a great job juggling this week - it's a woman's lot to juggle/change hats/ multi-task. And it's so exciting that you're running without pain.

  5. Nice to meet you. Sounds like some great training.

  6. Sounds like you had a solid week!

    Thanks for your comment. Nope, no public transport here. And the routes to run/bike/walk to work are far to dangerous to risk.
